
Hedgehog Class

16 hours ago New Newsletter

Welcome to Hedgehog Class

Welcome to our Class

Welcome to Hedgehog Class! We are a Year 1 Class and Mrs Bowen is your class teacher. Mrs Davies and Mrs Edwards will also be working with Hedgehog Class across the week.

If you would like to speak to me please telephone the school office or send me a message on Class Dojo. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

General Information

*School starts at 8:45am  so please be ready to join us for a fun filled day!

*Reading Folders should be sent into school on a Thursday for us to update Reading Records and swap the home reading books. They will be returned to you on a Friday.

*PE kits should be sent in on a Monday and kept in school for the week. Our set PE day is a Wednesday but we will have other PE sessions through the week. Please send a PE top in the colour of your child’s house team. If you are unsure of what colour this is please ask a member of staff and they will let you know.

*Children are required to bring a water bottle to school each day filled with only water.  If you would like to purchase a school branded bottle please visit our school office.

*School ends at 3:15pm

*Please let a member of staff know if someone new is due to collect your child from school.  We cannot send a child home unless we are sure it is safe to do so.

*Homework will be issued on Thursdays via the school website.

Class Rules

Golden Rules

Please also take a look at our Behaviour Policy for more information about our Golden Rules and behaviour strategy in school.

Links to Online Resources

Purple Mash

Please ask your teacher if you do not have your login card for Purple Mash. We can print you another in school.

Curriculum Planning

Once Upon a Time Year 1 Spring 2024 Topic Web

Year 1 Summer Curriculum Web – All Things Bright and Beautiful

Class Showcase
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Baking Day in Hedgehog Class!!
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A new year begins!
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Stafford Castle visit March 2023

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Baking Day in Hedgehog Class!!
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A new year begins!
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Stafford Castle visit March 2023
See more Showcase Items

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

Year 1 Homework Thursday 14th March

We will be asking for your Big Plastic Count information in on Monday so keep counting!!!

Free To Use & Public Domain Structures Clip Art | Castle drawing, Castle  clipart, Castle cartoon


This week we have begun to look at castles. The children have really enjoyed looking at non-fiction books on this topic. We have talked about the names and basic jobs of the key parts of castles. The following link takes you to a matching game. The children may need some support to help them read the definitions before matching the correct label.


Squirrels and Owls are heading to Stafford Castle on Tuesday 9th of April. While Hedgehog Class will be going on Wednesday 10th. Please contact you child’s class teacher if you are able to help on these trips


We have revisited the topic of shape this week, thinking about both “2D flat” shapes and “3D fat” ones. Can you hunt around the house to find examples of squares, triangles, circles, oblongs(rectangles) and hexagons as well as cubes, cuboids, cylinders, cones, pyramids and spheres? Shape escape will help remember their names…



This week our Tricky Words have been pull and full. The following links will take you to practise songs…



Can you write 2 sentences for each word?

Don’t forget to send any pictures to us via the Dojo App

See previous homework

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.