School Updates

Primary Science Quality Mark

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark! As a school, we work incredibly hard on our Science Curriculum to ensure it is hands on and engaging for our pupils. Our special thanks go to Miss Hodgkinson (Science Lead) and Mrs Mellings (HLTA), ...

School Fund – Audited Accounts Sept-2022 to Aug-2023

Please find attached our audited school fund account for Sept-2022 to Aug-2023. Audited Accounts Year Ending 31st August 2023 ...

PTA Halloween Disco

What a wonderfully spooky time we all had at the PTA disco! Many thanks to the volunteers for all their time and the effort they put into making the evening such a great success.  The decorations and games were brilliant! Lots of money was raised too, which will be used ...

School Closure Snow 10th March

Unfortunately we have had to make the difficult decision to close school today. Many of our staff are finding it difficult to get through the snow and we have not got enough staff who can get here to look after the children safely. Enjoy your snow day and we will ...

Ready Eddies

Ready Eddies of the week! Reception    Fox Class:  Harley, Parker, Nora, Jack, Betsy, Orlagh, Willow, Harrison J, Harrison D-L, Oliver, Corey, Olivia.  Rabbit Class:  Holly,Seb, Jack L, Nico, Grayson, Connie, Jack B.  Woodpecker Class:  Jaxon, Tiana, Myles, Noah, Akshika, Anna       Year 1    Hedgehog Class:    Penelope, Lucas, ...


The class with the highest attendance this week is Badger Class with 99% Well done ...
see all updates


Each class has it’s own page to update you on what’s happening. Jump over to the class pages to see photos of the great work that’s going on!

Each class in our school has three different areas to explore on our website:

  • News: Photos and updates direct from the classroom that allow parents to share in our experiences.
  • Homework: A copy of the latest homework tasks for the children.
  • Information: Educational documents and links to online information and resources that maybe useful to parents and children. Class curriculum, class rules, learning schemes etc.

Visit your child’s class page by clicking on the appropriate link below.

Did you know we also use Class Dojo to connect with families? Click on this link to find out more! Parent Guide to Class Dojo