
Owl Class

Welcome to Owl Class

Welcome to Owl Class! We are a Year 2 Class and Miss Whitehouse is your class teacher. Mrs Tellwright and Miss Roberts will also be working in Owl Class across the week.

This year Owl Class will explore many topics in school. In Autumn the children will learn all about the world and the place we live, they learn about the countries and continents and oceans within our world. In Art they learn about famous Artists like Claude Monet and Georges Seurat and In Science they learn about the Food Chains and Living Things. In Design and Technology they learn about Mechansims and making products.  In Spring they will learn about different people from the past, Newport and contrasting places across the world. In Science we look at materials and how plants grow. In Design and Technology we are learning how to make picture frames and in Art we learn our sketching skills. During Summer they will learn all about our Wonderful Earth, how it was created, the animals that live there and all about minibeasts. In Science we learn about the New life and how to stay healthy. In Science we learn about how to make healthy food and in Art we practise our sculpting skills. In History we learn about the Great Fires of London/Newport and Newport Canal. The children are going to have so much fun in school this year!

If you would like to speak to me please telephone the school office or send me a message on Class Dojo. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

General Information

*School starts at 8:45am so please be ready to join us for a fun filled day!

*Reading Folders should be sent into school on a Monday for us to update Reading Records and swap the book bag reading books and sharing books. They will be returned to you on a Monday afternoon.

*PE kits should be sent in on a Monday and kept in school for the week. Our set PE days are a Monday and Friday but we may have other PE sessions throughout the week. Please send a PE top in the colour of your child’s house team. If you are unsure of what colour this is please ask a member of staff and they will let you know.

*Children are required to bring a water bottle to school each day filled with only water.  If you would like to purchase a school branded bottle please visit our school office.

*School ends at 3.15pm

*Please let a member of staff know if someone new is due to collect your child from school.  We cannot send a child home unless we are sure it is safe to do so.

*Homework will be issued on a Friday via the school class dojos.

Class Rules

Golden Rules

Please also take a look at our Behaviour Policy for more information about our Golden Rules and behaviour strategy in school.

Links to Online Resources

Purple Mash :Please ask your teacher if you do not have your login card for Purple Mash. We can print you another in school.

Phonics Games:

Forest Phonics: https://ictgames.com/mobilePage/forestPhonics/index.html

Phonic Finder: https://ictgames.com/mobilePage/phonicFinder/index.html


Class Showcase

No Showcases to show at the moment.

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

No Showcases to show at the moment.

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

See previous homework