Year 1 Homework 29th February


Our Tricky Words this week are your” and “is”. How many times can you find each word in your reading book? Have a go at writing out each word 5 times, making sure every letter is sitting on the line. Can you put the words into a sentence?


This week we have been learning about fractions by finding fractions of shapes. We have done lots of work on half and have started to look at quarters. Play ‘Firepit Fractions’ to keep practicing those fractions!

Firepit Fractions (


The children have really been enjoying our History and Geography learning where we have been using Google Maps on Street View to explore Newport and look at historical buildings and different types of houses. Use Google Maps and drag the little orange person onto the map to turn it into Street View. Take a virtual walk up and down your road to look at your house and talk about the types of houses on your road. Then take a look at Newport High Street. What old building or landmarks can you find and name?

Google Maps



Please make sure you are reading regularly with your child. We ask that you aim to read the school reading book, which has been allocated online on Oxford Owls, 3 times over the week. Any other books your child reads (either by themselves or sharing with someone) can be written in the Rocket into Reading booklet to help your child move to their next planet.

Year 1 Homework 22nd February


Play ‘Spooky Spellings’ to practice spelling some tricky words. Go on Year 1 and play book 1 and book 2.

Spooky Spellings || Practise spelling Common Exception Words (


We have been looking at measurement in our maths work. Can practice measuring height by playing the bean measuring game. Give the seed some water, then some sun and use the scale to measure how tall it grows!

Bean Measuring – Measuring in steps of 5cm (


This week we have been learning about different types of houses. Have a look at your house and houses down your street. What kind of house is it? Can you draw a picture of your house? What are the different parts of the house?



After a recent assessment, we have now regrouped the children for phonics and reading. Their new reading book has been allocated on Oxford Owl. This week we will be giving a dojo to anyone who reads their online book!

Year 1 Homework Thursday 25th January


We are always revisiting counting patterns and the children are getting more confident at explaining the patterns. This week we would like the children to use ‘Paint the Squares’ to splat the counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s patterns.


Tricky Words

Our tricky words this week are what and when. Please practice writing them 10 times. Can you write it in the air? Can you write it in different colours? Can you write it in a sentence?



Please log on to Oxford Owl to find this week’s reading book. The accompanying book bag book has been sent home too. Remember to fill in your Reading Record and write down any other books you read in your Rocket into Reading!



The RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch is taking place from 26th-28th January 2024. The children have been finding out about it in school and have been busy making bird feeders in Muddy Club. We have sent home a printed record sheet for you to use to go and do some birdwatching! How many different birds can you see? You could look for the birds in your back garden, at the park or by the canal.


Remember to send us photos or bring in any home work you complete so that we can reward your hard work with a Dojo!

Year 1 Homework Thursday 23rd November


This week we have been learning about teen numbers, thinking of them as ‘ten and some more’. For homework, can you choose five numbers between 10 and 20. Write them in numbers, words and draw the sticks and stones to match. Have a look at the example above. Can you write the numbers in order? Can you repeat it with different numbers?



Our tricky words this week are ‘like’ and ‘have’.

Practice writing the words and then try to write them in a sentence.



New book bag books or ditty sheets have been sent home to share over the weekend. Don’t forget to log on to Oxford Owl to access your child’s reading book from last week. Please try to read them both as often as possible to help your child to develop real fluency in their reading.


Please do send us photos via Dojo or bring in any homework for us to see and we will award a Dojo!

Year 1 Homework 9th November


This week we have been learning about time. We have been thinking about faster and slower, the order of activities in a day, days of the week and finally clocks and thinking about o’clock times.


Have a go at singing the days of the week song and then look at the online clock.

Teaching Clock


Talk about the parts of the clock and practice looking at some o’clock times together.


Phonics / Literacy

Our tricky words this week are ‘they’ and ‘my’.

Practice writing them out 3 times. Can you write them in different colours? Can you write them on post it notes to hide around the house to practice reading? Can you build them with magnetic letters?

Then try and write them in sentences.



We have set new Phonics and Reading groups this week so your child may have a different colour of book. New book bag books or ditty sheets have been sent home to share over the weekend. Don’t forget to log on to Oxford Owl to access your child’s reading book from last week. Please try to read them both as often as possible to help your child to develop real fluency in their reading.


Please do send us photos via Dojo or bring in any homework for us to see and we will award a Dojo!




Year 1 Homework 19th October


This week we have been learning about 2D shapes. Can you go on a shape hunt around your house to see which 2D shapes you can find.



We have focused on verbs and learned that verbs are action words. Can you write a list of 6 different verbs? Choose 2 of your verbs to put into sentences.


Send photos to us via Dojo or bring in your work for us to see and receive an extra Dojo point for your effort.



Oxford Owl for Home: help your child learn at home - Oxford Owl New Book Bag Books or Ditty Sheets have been sent home to share over the weekend. Make sure you read them as often as possible to help your child to develop real fluency in their reading. Log on to Oxford Owl to access your child’s reading book from last week.


Year 1 Homework Wednesday 11th May

Read With Oxford - Oxford Owl Transparent PNG - 565x470 - Free Download on NicePNG


Please log on to Oxford Owls and re-read this week’s reading book at least twice to build up confidence and fluency. Use the quiz to develop comprehension. Make sure that you sign your yellow reading folder to evidence your reading. Read your sharing books together and write these in your Rocket into Reading Passport to collect your certificates.

Tricky words and Phonics

Please access the quiz set for your child on Oxford Owls


This week for revision of our phonics skills we have been looking at o-e (phone home), u-e (huge brute), e-e (go Pete and Steve)  and aw (yawn at dawn)

Follow the link below and select the sounds from the week to play the games.

Forest Phonics – mobile friendly (

Practice spelling the following tricky words and write 3 sentences containing each word

should   would   could

Fred Friends Group

We have been  revising “sh” “ch” and “qu”. Please use the link below and select the sounds from the week to play the games.

Forest Phonics – mobile friendly (

Practice spelling the following tricky words. Can you write them in a sentence?

are put

Check  letter formation, always starting from the line and flicking up into each letter. Write a sentence for each word.


This week the children have been enjoying learning about fractions and finding halves and quarters. Please log in to Purple Mash and complete the set activity, finding the shapes that have been cut in half.

Purple Mash by 2Simple


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