Year 1 Homework Thursday 16th November

Next Tuesday is our exciting trip to Cosford Museum. During this trip the children will have the opportunity to see how flight and aeroplanes have developed over time. In preparation for next week’s learning it would be really great if the children could watch this animated short film (just over 25 minutes) to become familiar with the Wright Brothers invention.

It would be really useful if the children all had a back pack for the trip in which they can carry their lunch and their school A4 sketchbook. Please can they also bring a suitable water bottle in their bag.



New reading books have been allocated online through Oxford Owls. Please use your login card to access these.

The children have also got new Book Bag Book and Sharing Books to enjoy. Don’t forget to record these in their reading passport so they can claim their certificates.

Thank you for all the support and kind words that we have received during our inspection it has meant a lot to us.


Year 1 Homework 9th November


This week we have been learning about time. We have been thinking about faster and slower, the order of activities in a day, days of the week and finally clocks and thinking about o’clock times.


Have a go at singing the days of the week song and then look at the online clock.

Teaching Clock


Talk about the parts of the clock and practice looking at some o’clock times together.


Phonics / Literacy

Our tricky words this week are ‘they’ and ‘my’.

Practice writing them out 3 times. Can you write them in different colours? Can you write them on post it notes to hide around the house to practice reading? Can you build them with magnetic letters?

Then try and write them in sentences.



We have set new Phonics and Reading groups this week so your child may have a different colour of book. New book bag books or ditty sheets have been sent home to share over the weekend. Don’t forget to log on to Oxford Owl to access your child’s reading book from last week. Please try to read them both as often as possible to help your child to develop real fluency in their reading.


Please do send us photos via Dojo or bring in any homework for us to see and we will award a Dojo!




Year 1 Homework Thursday 26th October

Half Term Project

After half term we will be visiting Cosford to look at the story of flight a little more closely.

We will have learnt about the Wright Brothers and looked at early aeroplanes.

Over half term it would be wonderful if the children had a chance to make their own aeroplane model. It could be a biplane, a fighter plane, a jet or something a bit special!!

We would love to display the models in class so would just ask that they are not too big!

Junk modelling resources are going to come in handy!!

Be as creative as you like.

We are really looking forward to seeing all the amazing planes.

Have a great holiday everyone.


Airplane clipart Vectors & Illustrations for Free Download | Freepik


Year 1 Homework 19th October


This week we have been learning about 2D shapes. Can you go on a shape hunt around your house to see which 2D shapes you can find.



We have focused on verbs and learned that verbs are action words. Can you write a list of 6 different verbs? Choose 2 of your verbs to put into sentences.


Send photos to us via Dojo or bring in your work for us to see and receive an extra Dojo point for your effort.



Oxford Owl for Home: help your child learn at home - Oxford Owl New Book Bag Books or Ditty Sheets have been sent home to share over the weekend. Make sure you read them as often as possible to help your child to develop real fluency in their reading. Log on to Oxford Owl to access your child’s reading book from last week.


Baking Day in Hedgehog Class!!

After reading the story of “The Little Red Hen” Hedgehogs decided that we would like to have a go at baking some bread…

The kneading really tested our muscles!!


We definitely enjoyed the eating!!

Year 1 Homework 12th October


This week we have been looking at number bonds to 10 (pairs of numbers that add up to 10) Save the whale is a lovely game to reinforce this. Extend the  pipe to make it 10 long, then spin the wheel to release the whale.

Having played

Can you give quickfire answers to”What goes with 6?” etc


Our Tricky Words this week are me and be

The following links will help embed their spelling…

Can you write each word 6 times, using a different colour each time?

Oxford Owl

After assessments you may find that your child’s reading book colour has changed. This is to ensure that what they are reading is really suited to their attainment and will support the development of their confidence and fluency. Please log on to access your Oxford Owl Reading book and new Book Bag Books will be in bags on Friday.

Thank you

Year 1 Homework Thursday 5th October


This week’s maths challenge is coming home on paper. We have been looking at “subitising” in Number Sense Time (spotting numbers by their pattern rather than counting!) Please read the “Activities At Home” sheet and have a go at some of the challenges together. Who can be the first to say the number? Feel free to send photos to us via dojo.


This week we would like you to cut up your phonics cards and practice quickfire recognition of Set 2 sounds. Can you choose 3 sounds and write a shopping list of words that include these sounds in their spelling?


Don’t forget to log on to Oxford Owl to read this week’s book online and take the phonics quiz. New Book Bag Books and Sharing Books will be in bags on Friday. Don’t forget to include these in you Rocket Into Reading Passport.


Pupil Home


Year 1 Homework 28th September


This week we have looked at doubles and the following game will allow you to continue to work on these at home. Please play Archery Doubles level 1 using doubles up to double 10.  See how quickly the children can recall the doubles (7, 8 and 9 are the trickiest to remember!)


We have worked on the Tricky Words no and go this week. The following links will take you to songs that reinforce the spelling of no and go.

Can you write the words 6 times with no mistakes?

Why not try to write a sentence for each word. Send photos to us via Dojo or bring in your work for us to see and receive an extra Dojo point for your effort.


Oxford Owl for School and HomeNew Book Bag Books or Ditty Sheets have been sent home with your child for the weekend as well as books to share. Make sure you write them all in your Rocket into Reading Passport and practice them as often as possible to develop real fluency. Log on to Oxford Owls to access your child’s reading book from last week (Ditty Sheet group will not have an online allocation as yet)


A new year begins!

Welcome Hedgehogs of 2023!

The Autumn term has begun in earnest as we start exploring our topic “Up, Up And Away!”

Yesterday was very exciting because we found a lost blue balloon!

We took it a walk to see what else we could spot that flies. Then disaster struck!!!


Every picture tells a story!! Never give Mrs Bowen something to look after!!

Never fear though even as the balloon was going “Up, Up And Away” Hedgehogs were busy drawing picture maps of where they thought the balloon was flying. We are planning to use our maps as a focus for our writing.

Keep your eyes peeled if you happen to see a blue balloon you never know it might be ours!!

Mrs B xx

Year 1 Homework 21st September

This week the children have bought home their Oxford Owl login cards (stuck to front of reading record)

Oxford Owl

Please login and an Oxford Owl reading book should be ready waiting for you. They will also have a Book Bag Book or Ditty Sheet in their reading folder. This book will support their reading development and re-reading it often is really important to increase fluency.

Also attached to the front of their reading record is their new login card for Purple Mash. It would be really useful if they could practice logging in and out- typing their name and selecting their 2 animals. The login is not case sensitive as pressing 2 buttons to get a capital might be a step too far!!

Follow the link below

Purple Mash – Kelvin Grove School

Once logged in we would like you to explore some of the art project folders where the children can try out their drawing skills , choosing different pens and rubbing out. Please do not save any work yet!Purple Mash